Step-by-step guide to building your first form

Zuko’s form builder is now live. This guide will take you through how to get started and set up your first form for publishing.

  1. Sign up to the Zuko Form Builder app on the link here
  2. Once you have created your account, you will be directed to your dashboard. Along the header, you will find the options Build, Share/Embed and Submissions. To create your form, click on Build. 
  1. You will see a screen like the below example. This is the interface you will use to build your form. On the left, you have the Gallery; these are the various building blocks available to you to build your form. 

  1. Under General, you have the option to create a Form Title (eg. “My Lead Gen Form”) and add a description to explain to users what the purpose of the form is. Click on the options in the Gallery, and the elements will appear in the central console:

  1. You can click on these elements and edit them. For example, the Form Title will pre-populate with the default “Form Title” title. You can change this to the title you wish to assign your form, and then add a description in the box underneath:

You may notice that any changes you make will be saved automatically when you click out of the element.

  1. Now you can start creating the questions you want to ask on your form. In the Gallery under Form Questions, you will find a whole range of various common questions that appear on forms, formatted specifically for the expected user input. For example, Text fields for short text inputs, Email for email formats and Telephone Number for number inputs. As you select these options, they will appear on your form: 

  1. For questions such as Email or Telephone Number, the field title will also pre-populate for you. However, you can create your own questions by clicking into the text box or on the cog icon next to the field. 
  2. The cog will open the Configure tab on the right hand side: 

On the Configure tab, you can:

  1. Once you click Save, your question will appear as you like on the form in the centre console: 

  1. If you have made a mistake or no longer need a certain field you have built, click on the dustbin icon to delete the field:

  1. If you have a longer form, you might want to split up the questions into more manageable steps. For this, you can create a multi-step form and group your form questions according to the nature of questions being asked (for example, Personal Details and Contact Details). 

To do this, simply click on the Add Step icon underneath the centre console:

  1. Once you’ve built your form questions, you may want to customise your Completion Page and thank users for submitting your form. To do this, click on the Completion Page icon at the bottom of the central console. 

As with the previous form steps, you can interact with the title and message to customise them for your users. 

  1. Once you've finished your questions you can click the "Theme" tab on the left hand side to style your form. You can set font type, accent colour and button colour.
  1. Once you’re happy with your form, you may decide you want to preview it first. You can do that by clicking on the Preview button:

If there are no changes to make, you can then publish it by clicking on the Publish icon. You can then either link your users to your form, or embed it within your site. For further help with this, you can find additional guides for that here.

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