Alerts Guide

Zuko’s alerting system provides an early warning sign for your form’s performance; unexpected spikes or dips in abandon or completion rates can indicate issues with forms. 

You set the parameters for when the abandon or completion count for a form is higher or lower than average and then when that threshold is reached you’ll receive an email alert.

Adding alerts

Alerts are really easy to set up can be sent to up to 25 email addresses.

Simply select the event type you want to be alerted about.

You’ll then be able to see the hourly value for that metric over the selected time period to give you a reference point for choosing your threshold:

You can then choose the threshold to trigger the alerts: 

Alerts can be sent at all hours of the day or during specific hours. Your form may experience low completion rates during the night time and so you may wish to choose to be alerted during business hours only.

Then just add the email addresses you’d like to receive the alerts and then hit ‘Save’. 

You can set up multiple alerts for the same form, either for different metrics, different thresholds and to send to different users.

It’s easy to amend Alerts at any time by changing the criteria or the contact details as needed. There is no limit to the number of alerts that can be set for each form and there is the flexibility to customise the criteria providing the ability to customise who receives specific Alerts and when.

For example you can set the same alert, but with different conditions:

Email opt in

All email addresses subscribed will be sent a confirmation email and will need to opt in to receive the alerts they are subscribed to. Recipients can unsubscribe at any time through a link in each alerts email.

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