Navigating the Zuko App

In Zuko, there are two navigation bars:

Primary Navigation - Used to navigate between the different views of your form data:

Form Data - Provides a topline, birds-eye view of your forms performance and shows you some key metrics as well as a summary of any custom events you are sending to Zuko. Think of it as a ‘page’ level summary.

Field Data - Shows you all of Zuko’s field level metrics to help you understand visitor behaviour within the inputs and field of your form. Think of this as a ‘field’ level summary.

Session Explorer - Allows you to closely examine individual visitor journeys through your form for greater understanding of individual paths through your form. This is a ‘session’ level summary.

Segment Comparison - This view allows you to compare multiple segments’ performance across the same form, or view multiple different forms’ data in one place. A useful comparison tool.

Alerts - Where you can set up real time alerting on your forms to give you an early warning system should any metrics change outside normal parameters.

Secondary Navigation - used to manipulate, filter and explore the data shown beneath by changing filters, date ranges and granularity.

Date selector

This appears on the left hand side of the secondary navigation in Zuko. You can choose one of the shortcut date ranges available, or select a custom one by choosing ‘Custom Range’ at the bottom. 

This allows you to choose any date range and time range you want to see, including today's data. You can select both days and hour windows.

When selecting a custom range, remember to click ‘Apply’.

Form Selector

Appearing next to the date range, this allows you to quickly switch between forms set up in your account. This drop down is also searchable if you have a high number of forms set up.


By default all users have access to two filter options - device type and browser family.

If you are sending Zuko some custom attributes, this is where they will appear.

You can select one value from each category, and an unlimited number in combination with each other.


For any graph or chart showing a metric change over time, you can choose to change the granularity at which it is displayed. By default we display data grouped by day, but you can view hourly data is you want to examine small time periods, or change to weekly or monthly grouping to view longer term trends.

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